Digital Archives Association

The Digital Archives Association is a small group of amateurs producing high resolution images of historical maps on CD and DVD. Now available on USB Stick. Contact for details

The d
isc have been produced mainly from the 1 to 2500 (25 inches to 1 mile) County Series Ordnance Survey maps of the late 19th and early 20th century. These maps are some of the most detailed maps available. The maps show every building and out house. Roads, streets and alley ways are shown  and  named.

The discs run using Adobe Reader. The maps are selected by clicking the mouse on the appropriate area of a small scale map. Navigation from one map to an adjacent one is by clicking in the margin. A map can also be selected by its number. Some discs contain almost 800 large scale maps. You can zoom in to any magnification required and print any selection at any desired magnification.

On some of the discs the maps have been joined together to produce composite maps of a county. These versions are accessed using a special viewer.