Ordnance Survey and other large scale Town Plans of Ormskirk, Prescott, Runcorn, St Helens, Widnes, Warrington & Wigan
This CD contains the Ordnance Survey 1:1056 or 60 inch. to 1 mile Town Plans of Prescot, Ormskirk, St Helens, Widnes, and Warrington Wigan. There are also large scale maps of Runcorn and Widnes. The maps date from 1848 to 1850, There is a second set of the Warrington maps dating from 1884. The maps are in great detail and show every street drain grid and every lamp post. The representation of public buildings and churches is such that walls have thickness and internal details are shown. The map of Runcorn is coloured and is at a scale of 1:528 or 10 ft to 1 mile. The Widnes map is the Roper Map it is at a scale of 1:2160 or 29.5 inches to 1 mile.
The images were scanned from maps held at Chester Record Office, Preston Record Office and the Wigan map is from a private colection. The maps measure 1m x 0.7m and are scanned in grayscale (the Runcorn map is in colour).
The maps are accessed from a graphical index and you can move from one map to an adjacent one with a click of the mouse. You can view the maps at many times there normal size and you can copy and paste or print any chosen selection.
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